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    Home-News- Industry News-What is wire mesh decking?

    What is wire mesh decking?

    743 Sep 17-2018

    Wire mesh decking is used with the pallet rack systems to provide support, safety, and visibly see every shelf, also to help with eliminating dust and with improving air circulation. Wire mesh decking are very easy to install. They drop down right over the beams of the pallet racks. Local fire codes require them instead of plywood or wooden boards. Wire mesh decking have support channels that are welded under the wire mesh. The channels give more support to the load barring capacity. 

    wire mesh decking

    Typically, wire decking can hold up to 2500 pounds. The wire mesh has different size grid patterns. The most popular sizes are 2”by 4”, 2.5” by 4”, and 2.5″ by 4.5″ patterns. The part of the wire deck that hangs over the beam is called a waterfall. The waterfall helps provide additional support from moving or coming off the pallet rack beam. They can also be turned upwards and provide a back stop. There is a variety you can choose from that will best work for your pallet rack system. 

    The Advantages of Wire Mesh Decking 

    1. Safer: Better fire safety performance, meets stringent insurance requirements 

    2. More Durable: Highly durable and maintenance free 

    3. Hygienic: Does not allow dirt or dust to build up 

    4. Easy to Handle: Quick and easy to install-no fixing or fastening 

    5. Improve Visibility: Increase lighting and access for operators 

    6. Versatile: Ideal for all storage, including cool rooms and freezers 

    7. Flexible: Allows you to store skids, pallets or small parts in any location